
International Marine Products, Inc.は、1968年の創業以来、日本食事業を通して日本文化を守るという使命のもと、水産業界の革新的な先駆者、リーダーとしての歴史を築いてきました。事業として「日本のシーフード」の基盤を作り上げただけでなく、東京の有名な築地魚市場に仕入のためのオフィスを持ち、また日本食レストランも運営しています。

Seafood wholesaler in U.S.A

The preservation of Japanese culture through "The Japanese food businesses". This is our group’s mission statement. Since its establishment in 1968, International Marine has had a long history of being an innovative explorers and leaders in the Japanese Seafood industry. In addition to its foundation of "Japanese Seafood" as a business theme, International Marine also has a purchasing office in the famous Tsukiji seafood market in Tokyo and operates Japanese restaurants.